Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Annas YA argument essay

Anna Sikorski                                                                                                                                                    808
            Teen fiction can be a little “too much” for some teens, but it lets others know they aren't alone. It can be a little “too much” for some teens because some teens may not be ready to be reading about rape, self harm, sexual harassment, kidnap, and so much more. The thing is that other teens have been through those things so if they read about it they can feel like its ok, things happen, and they are not alone. Teen fiction is helpful in so many ways. “Reading is the best way to relax and even six minutes can be enough to reduce the stress levels by more than two thirds, according to new research”, The Telegraph stated. Teen fiction can really help teens cope and feel better about the things that have happened to them.                                               We, the student body, find that some teen fiction can be a little dark at times but it could help teens feel like they aren't alone. In the article, “Yes, teen fiction can be dark- but it shows teenagers they aren't alone”, By Maureen Johnson states that, “if subjects like these are in YA books, it’s to show that they are real, they have happened to others, and they can be survived. I agree with these people are always saying how dark these books are but it’s simply just the truth. Maureen Johnson also stated that, “For teenagers, there is sometimes no message more critical than: you are not alone”. I think this is very true because sometimes teenagers don’t have anyone to talk to about their problems and books can be a really helpful resource for them. Lastly Maureen Johnson states that, “There isn't a YA writer alive who is writing books to corrupt youth. No one writing about self-harm is teaching how to self-harm. No one writing about rape is providing instructions on how to rape or how to be raped”. People are just trying to comfort teens by letting them know that if something has happened to you, you aren't alone and books are ways to get help as well as many other possibilities.
            Even if teens haven’t been going through bad situations they could still read YA books to reduce stress or even for enjoyment.  In the article, “A teenage guide to stress” by Nicola Morgan she states that there are many ways a teen can reduce their stress. One way a teen could reduce stress is by reading for pleasure. Nicola Morgan, the author of, “A teenage guide to stress” states, “People who read books for pleasure report that it relaxes them and allows them to switch off their worries”. This is great because YA books can help teens reduce stress and feel more comforted. Nicola Morgan also states, “We also know that there’s a strong link between reading every day for pleasure and higher grades in exams”. This is great because some teens could be stressed with school and their grades so reading could reduce stress and help with their test scores. The last quote that I strongly agree with is from, “Yes, Teen Fiction Can Be Dark- but It Shows Teenagers They Aren't Alone” By Maureen Johnson, she stated, “There isn't a YA writer alive who is out writing books to corrupt the youth. No one writing about self-harm is teaching how to self harm. It’s all for helping out teens” This is the truth people may think YA books can be teaching kids on how to do things like rape or self-harm, but it’s not it’s just helping teens know that they aren't the only ones and if they’re to scared to talk about it reading these books can help them out.                                                                                   People think that books shouldn't be banned, however others think their kids shouldn’t be reading YA books and are doing all they can to ban books in their school libraries. In the article, “Darkness too visible” by Meghan Cox Gurdon states that, “ contemporary fiction for teens is so dark that kidnapping and pederasty and incest and brutal beatings are now just a part of the run of things in novels directed, broadly speaking at children from the ages of 12 to 18”. I strongly disagree with this and think a teenager should choose for themselves if they are ready to read YA books like these. Things like self-harm, rape, kidnap, and rape are happening everyday so I think it’s just the truth of what happens to some people, some teens want to read about things like rape and kidnap and some teens just want to so they feel like they aren't alone. In the article, “has young adult fiction become too dark?” by Mary Elizabeth Williams she states, “Contemporary literature has too much sex and violence, and our kids need to be protected from its “depravity”. I feel that it’s the child that should choose if they are ready to read about things such as sex and violence because it will make them more responsible and independent for future situations. Meghan Cox Gurdon lastly states, “That “adult” aspect of reading is scary for many of us. It’s our job as parents to protect our kids”. I think they’re going to have to learn to do things and grow up sooner or later and teen years are a perfect time to try new things and try to be independent. Some Parents should trust their kids to make the right decisions about picking out the right YA books.

            It’s a terrible thing for people to try to ban books because teens need these books for so many reasons, they can like reading about these topics or they can read YA books to feel like they aren't alone. Teens use them for reducing stress and feeling like they belong and like they aren't alone. Some teens could be scared to speak up about the problems in their life so by reading YA books they can also understand that it’s ok they aren’t alone and they might need to get help. Those books that are so terribly dark and dismissing to some people may be a book that could change or even save another person’s life.